Hello, hello, beautiful souls! Today I’d like to share with you something called the 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation. So, did you know about these 12 laws? Nope? Well, neither did I. Let me tell you, it has opened my mind to help me see the potential opportunity that is awaiting me to manifest everything that I desire. I mean, literally, everything. So, let’s get started as I share with you these very cool and very real 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation.
- The Law of Oneness: This law states that we are all connected, we are all one. We are all one with nature, animals, the planet and with the universe. So this law is very much like the saying, “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.” Let me give you an example. Say you are jealous of someone because they seem to have everything in life—a great spouse, a beautiful home, fancy cars, an exciting job—whatever it may be—and you become jealous and speak or think negatively about this person. Here’s the thing—your subconscious mind takes everything literally and personally. It thinks that you are saying these negative things to yourself and will start to find evidence of what you are saying or thinking. The Law of Oneness teaches us to be kind to others, even in our thoughts. Remember this important tip: what we say about others is actually being said to ourselves.
- The Law of Vibration: Did you know that everything in the universe holds a vibration and each vibration emits a specific frequency? Well, neither did I, and this is really cool. There are high vibrations, which are positive, and low vibrations, which are negative. Every single thought, emotion and feeling you have has a different vibration. An example might be a kitten that will make you experience a high vibration, with feelings of love, joy, happiness. On the other hand, having a disagreement with a friend may make you feel lower vibrations, such as feelings of sadness, anger, frustration. You will attract more experiences into your life that emit the vibrations you feel.
- The Law of Correspondence: This law is similar to the Law of Oneness. It states that everything in your outer world is a direct reflection of your inner world. Your inner world is your thoughts and feelings. The only way to change anything from the outside is to first change from the inside. For example, if you want to make more money but you hold the belief that it isn’t possible for you to make more money, or you are jealous of others who are making more money, this belief will only keep you stuck. Change begins on the inside, so if you want to change anything on the outside, you must first change on the inside.
- The Law of Cause and Effect: This is one of the most straightforward universal laws and it is also referred to as KARMA. Whatever you put out into the universe will come back to you. Everything you do will come back to you—literally everything. So, think about that. This law is just another reminder to be intentional with what we do, what we say, and what we think, because it will all come back to us in some way in our lifetime. I find this law very interesting and I’m a firm believer in this universal law.
- The Law of Attraction: The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. Like vibrations will always attract like vibrations. If you are feeling joy, you will attract more things into your life that will bring you joy. The same goes for negative emotions and feelings. Your vibration is determined by what you focus on and what you feel about it. Let’s say, for example, you are focusing on having more money in your life but you are having feelings of fear, guilt, frustration, or anger each time you think about money. This will cause you to attract more situations around money that make you feel those feelings. Your subconscious mind is always trying to prove you right and will always say yes to you based on your thoughts and feelings. You need to match the energy of what you want—love, joy, abundance—by embodying the feelings you would feel if you already had those things that you desire. It’s that simple.
- The Law of Action: This law states that no physical manifestation happens without physical action. And this makes so much sense, my friends. Basically, you can’t just lie on the beach all day and think that new car is just going to appear without taking physical action to make that a reality. The best type of action to take is inspired action. Inspired action is action that feels good, it feels right, it comes from a higher place and has a higher vibration associated with it.
- The Law of Compensation: This law is similar to the Law of Cause and Effect but it states that whatever you put out you will receive back in the form of monetary blessings. So, to utilize this universal law, you want to give to others what you want to receive in return. But, here’s the thing—you must do it without any expectations. That’s right—no expectations. So the Law of Compensation is basically the way you feel and what you expect when you do a “good deed” such as volunteering.
- The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: This universal law states that higher vibrations consume and transform lower vibrations, which means we all have the ability to change a lower vibration into a higher one. Always remember the only constant is change. For example, if your partner is in a lower vibration—a negative mood—and you are in a higher vibration—a positive mood—you are able to bring your partner into a higher vibrational state because high vibrations transform low vibrations. Try this sometime. It truly works.
- The Law of Relativity: This law states that everything in life is neutral and is only given a meaning based on our feelings and emotions. For example, a leaf has no more meaning than one thousand dollars. We just choose to give one thousand dollars a specific meaning based on what we were taught and the way we feel about it. This law can be applied to challenges in life because we are all going to have them. How we deal with them depends on how we see them. Everything is neutral. You can choose to see challenges as lessons to learn and grow and it is up to you if you are going to learn the lesson and move on or if you are going to attract the same lesson again and again by repeating the same behavior and holding the same emotion.
- The Law of Polarity: This law can be very frustrating at times because it seems that we are manifesting things that we don’t want. But here’s the thing—how do we get clarity on what we want? By figuring out what we don’t want. For example, maybe you were just let go from your job and that opened a door to a new job that you truly love. Or, maybe you just went through an awful breakup with your partner but that opened up space for a new soulmate, the person of your dreams.
- The Law of Rhythm: Let’s think about this, beautiful ones—everything in life goes through a light and a dark, an ebb and flow, a different season. This law reminds us to go with the flow and to understand that nothing lasts forever. When there is darkness, there will be light. A good example for this law is the four seasons. Winter is a colder, darker time. Then spring is brighter with everything in bloom. Just as spring will always follow winter, the difficult times in life will always give way to better days.
- The Law of Gender: This law has absolutely nothing to do with biological sex, but it does focus on the feminine and masculine energies that everything in the universe has and the idea of this law is to balance both energies equally. Masculine energy focuses on the work energy and the feminine energy is more receiving. These energies are also known as yin and yang. Both energies are required in life and both have a time and place to be used. The goal is to be aware of both energies and to balance them as much as possible to live a more comfortable life.
So there you have it: the 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation. They are always working for you, just like the law of gravity. No matter what. And as you can see, these laws can help you manifest the life of your dreams! And how wonderful is that?
Let me know in the comments below your thoughts on the 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation and things you have manifested in your life!
I’d love to hear from you!